So Vermont. Yeah its really green. And really bare. And there is no civilization for a good portion of the state. And every time we want to go somewhere we have to go to NH (sigh.... NH :-) )
Session 1 of Camp Akeela was not what i had in mind. It wasn't as much fun as i thought it would be. I really didn't have a ton of friends there, our bunk was 14-16 year old caddy girls, one in particular was EXTREMELY difficult to handle EVERDAY. It's also weird being there. In Peru, yes i was cut off from communication with my friends and family in the US, but i was not cut of AT ALL from the world. We had interenet. Thiugh shitty, we still had it. I was imersed in the news ans politics of Peru and Latina America. I had so much knowledge at my fingertips, and my mind was bursting with new questions and knowledge everyday. At my Camp in Vermont, there is NO connection to the outside world. The internet is ALMOST as bad as PerĂº's. And there is only a 5 minute limit on compy time. No cell phone service, and the one land line we can use also has a 5 minute limit on it. I WANT my friends and Peru and life outside of camp, but i really, CAN NOT get it.
Session 2 has been much better, My best friend from Camp Livy, is one of my co counselors. I'm with the 10 and 11 year old girls, I have met some other GREAT people, one who also goes to UNH so we will be hanging out much in. But still. All those things i realized and lived for in PerĂº..... can't do them ay camp.
17 days till my next adventure to Keuka lake, then i will FINALLLLLLLLYYYYY move into my apt and see MEGAN and other people i LOVE.