As I write this, my internet is taking its sweeeeeet old time downloading my e-mail account and facebook. I actually had to switch servers a couple times cause they were all going quite slow. Why do i do this? Cause although I am a patient person, when technology is running slow (or my brother is being an annoying little thing) I get mad and VERY frustrated. Something that most people in developed nations, me included, take for granted is technology. My internet, cell phone, iPod, and television neeeeeeeeed to be working at all times, if not, the world falls apart. But here, technology is not what technology is the the US. Technology in the US is haveing 999 cable channels with movies on demand and pay per view, having the latest computer style in the dell vs mac battle, having an iPhone or driod or blackberry with the best apps ever, an iPad or Amazon kindle, and the latest kitchen, bedroom or bathroom appliances. Technology here is having a working stove, running water, toilets, a telephone, a blender a microwave, a tv, and lights. Maybe a car. Oh and a radio/cd player. Cell phones and computers are becoming more popular.
The other day in Spanish class we read a short essay that was suposed to work on our future tences blah blah blah our spanish teacher is an idiot and it didn't help whatever bljah blah blah anyway, we did have an interesting conversation afterwords. She asked us to pick out a topic talked about in this paper and say when we think it happen, when will this be invented. Well, most of is has already been invented. The ability to pick what shows you want at anytimes, well thats cable on demand, and its very real and alive today. And Hulu helps by letting you watch many shows whenever you have time. Another was all the books you own in one device similar to a computer. Oh yeah that's the Amazon Kindle or iPad and I'm sure there are others now. The list went on and on, of devices our teacher had never heard of before that are very real in America. It just made me stop and thing. This society, this culture, has been living quite and well and prospering quite nicely. And they haven't even heard of theses things before. Why do we NEED them. What makes us crave these new gadgets? What makes Apple and Dell and Amazon and Verizon to compete with eachother for these things? Ok yes, I agree that a cell phone totally makes life easier, and if you are aweful at direction like my sister a GPS will save you alot of trouble, 999 channels are not.
Spencer and Erich don't have a dishwacher at their house. They are so close with eachother and their family, and I am so jealous. When technology is said to bring people together, in realuty is dies just as great of a job as tearing people apart. People today txt non stop to friends or boyfrieds, and that can really change the relationship. You were born one person, not 2 or 3. Alone time with your thoughts and your favorite activities is healthy. (in moderation!)
Yesterday was Occoruro's 26th anniversary celebration. We were their making refrigradores ecológical and were invited to the fiesta. For the majority of the time we played soccor, vollyball, and with the kids. We also helped the locals resurrect their tree of goodies (its customary at every carnival to cut down a tree, put presents on it, replant it, and the people take turn cutting it down. Whoever cuts it down needs to start the festival for next year. Its really cool :-) ) When we were sitting listening to all the important people of the village give their speech, and when we were dancing with the locals, there were about 7 woman in one kitchen making enough food to feed the whole village. Everyone recieved a plate of espageti, rocoto relleno, papas, y pollo (and on a side note, this was the bets chicken of my life. I'm sure becasue they were free range untill 3 hours before the festival, when there were... prepaired. Anyway, it was AMAZING) These woman made this for at least 80 people if not more. They had two stoves/ovens. I was just brought back again to technology. Technology for me is a new cell phone. Tenology for them is a stove that wont give them lung cancer, a refererator that wont casue their food to give them a paracite, and seperate "houses" or cages or stables for theie animals. How did this happen?
great points... this topic is why i'm passionate about engineering, and involved in development of appropriate technologies through Engineers Without Borders. All of the "futuristic" devices you mentioned are designed solely for the needs of the most privileged ~10% of the world's people--the target market who can afford techno-luxury.
ReplyDeleteThe needs of 90% of the world are largely ignored by engineers and designers... yet necessity is the mother of invention, and those in need are unbelievably resourceful: building their own homes, cooking for 80 people without a US-style mega-kitchen, entertaining kids without toys 'r' us. this adaptability is a challenge to be sure, but it's also a tremendous gift of imagination that's hard to find in more comfortable/complacent lifestyles.
What choices can you make when you return to the USA to consume less, Love more, and recall your experiences in Peru?
"Live simply so others may simply live."
Frank you rock. That is all.