just hit me. I’m home. I’ve been home for about...2 weeks now and it just now hit me. I was moving my collected Peruvian money into it’s permanent home (the coin purse I used in Peru) and it suddenly hit me...holy **** (trying to cut out the swearing, I can’t really do that anymore now that people understand English)....I’m home. I mean, I used to use these coins just two weeks ago. Now I look at Unitedstatian Money and it looks completely foreign to me. I from now on refuse to call myself an American because America encompasses two continents and 35 states. Obviously I didn’t know how many countries were in the Americas, so I wikapediad it and found that out. As I was searching I saw that Americas is used to talk about North and South while America is used to talk about the United States. I feel like after my experience North and South America should be referred to as one sole entity, America. Now I know what you’re thinking, Andy, you can’t just change English just because you want to be more fair and look past the idea that there is no America besides the United States- but I think I’ll give it a try. The reason why I choose to do this is because in español, hay una palabra para una persona de los Estados Unidos (estadounidense) y una otra para el continente de américa. There is one word in Spanish for a person from the United States specifically; to say you are an American means nothing, because in Spanish, America is North and South combined.
That was quite a rant, but I feel like when I want to talk about something, it always comes out like that. Back to the Peruvian money (and why I started blogging in the first place). I just couldn’t believe that I was holding currency, which two weeks ago I lived on and it was completely useless now (well, I collect money so it’s useful for my memories and all that sappy goodness). It all of a sudden hit me like a giant wave. I used to live in another house, have a different bed, a different family, etc....... Now I look around at my house and I realize what that funny feeling was when I arrived here. It was like I was in someone else’s house. Yes, my family was here, the fluffies, Chester and S’mores were all here, but it was the house that felt weird. It wasn’t the people (it was like I just left them) it was the material items all around my house that felt weird. I don’t really know how to explain it (I think I’m still figuring stuff out myself), but soon I’ll be able to describe how I’m feeling.
I’m now thinking of all the things I used to do in Peru. Walking to the Combies, passing Friendly Dog, taking a combi....everything. If I were to list the things going through my head it would be longer than all of Libby’s posts put together (well, they might be close). It was just a shock to me when it all of a sudden hit me. Right after that sudden rush, I plugged in my computer and it sparked. It made me think about how every time I plugged anything in to a socket in Peru, it would spark. I miss those couple melted sockets I saw. I miss the sparking (it’s really quite friendly when you get used to it). What I don’t miss.....Electric showers. Worst invention ever. Honestly, who thought “hey I got a great idea! Let’s heat the water with electricity! Those two elements are completely compatible right?!” what’s even worse is that you know there were multiple people around him or her who said, “that’s an awesome idea!!, no one will ever get hurt!”. I didn’t even have an electric shower in my house (well, actually I don’t really know how my shower worked, I just know it never shocked me). The only time I used one was at my host grandparents’ house. I got shocked twice in the span of about 20 seconds. The first time I wasn’t quite sure what happened, so I did the smart thing and I put my hand back to the very spot where I felt that weird tingly sensation. Needless to say, I got shocked again....
Well, that’s all for now. If you couldn’t follow it, don’t worry, I didn’t even read 99% of what I wrote. Para ahora, chau. Voy a publicar más in el futuro. Espero que vaya a publicarla muy muy pronto. Quiero escribir más in español, pero no tengo más para decir. Las niñas tienen dos bicicletas. Je suis la jeune fille (esta es francés).
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