Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Post

HERE IT IS! Post numero uno. Annnnnddd i don't quite know what to say. Part of me feels really self absorbed for having a blog. I Love hearing about other peoples travels, but are other people really gonna care about mine? Are they gonna care about what i do and learn and experience in a place so foreign and far from anything remotely resembling New York/New Hampshire/the entire United States? What will others learn and gain from reading what I am doing with my life? Well, here is my one hope: That I, a 20 year old girl who has grown up in one of the most sheltered suburb-ias EVER, can give others the courage to go out and travel. Last year when I went to Nicaragua for 13 glorious days, I learned more about myself and the world than i ever have in a classroom. Now, I am about to spend nearly 4 months in another county, different from any other place I have been. The adventure i am about to embark on will truly be the journey of a lifetime.

So please, all you readers (when I say "all" i mean the three people who will actually read this blog), hear this now: If you want to do anything with your life, do it. No matter if it is perusing a carrer, a dream, a new lifestyle, going against the norm you are used to, trying a new food, going on a date, traveling....... you will not regret it. No matter what happens. No matter how scary or mysterious the task is. Do it. It take time, patience, and courage and a thousand and one other qualities. You have everything you need inside of you, and you can do anything

This is the first post of many as Andy and I explore the world in which we live. I hope this will help you in your journey as well. Bienvenido. Welcome.


  1. I am very excited for you guys! It will be a wonderful, eye opening experience. and as far as the blog goes, maybe think about using it so you can remember your experiences-like a journal..and we will just happen to read it and get to hear all the wonderful adventures too ;) I hope you both have a safe trip, I can't wait for a blog when you arrive

  2. Enjoy your adventure -
