Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lets listen to some patty griffin and right some thoughts. I got this e-mail from my mom today. She gets these inspiration quotes everyday in her e-mail and she sometimes sends them to me. A lot of times they are very very corny, but this one really related to what I have been going through lately.


It's the way you think. That's your purpose. It's never been about what work you choose, what gifts you develop, or what niche you fill - let these be for your pleasure. Think as only you can think, which will lead to feelings that only you can feel, from which connections will be made, lives will be changed, and worlds will come tumbling into existence.
The Universe

P.S. Libby, this is why you're here.

What you think is what you think. Your thoughts, your TRUE THOUGHTS, rare sometimes, are what is in your head. This definitely related to today, and will relate to tomorrow, next Wednesday, and May 6th.

That’s right I said my first Cusco goodbyes today. The were very different from my Occoruro goodbyes (I’ll save that epic story for another night), First was the ProWorld office and staff. We had our reintegration orientation or whatever you want to call it. We talked about the highs and lows of Cusco, who blogged and what that did for you, what were your biggest achievements. We wrote letters to ourselves that Lauren will be sending to us in6 months. And we talked about reverse culture shock. Its gonna happen to all of us when we go back. I’ve already dealt with the hardest part, and that was coming back from Nicaragua. If I can do that I can do anything. I COMPLEATLY changed my life into the person I am now, and I am very happy with that. Its gonna happen again. And I hope it will be easier to deal with. I have been here longer, reflected more, thought more. Then I said goodbye to Lauren and Eliza, the ProWorld Staff that has been SOOOOO wonderful throughout the whole time here. They really made my times her so great. They Love their work and being with us, and really try.

Then I had my last Spanish class and final exam and said a bye to my spanish teacher (YES!!!!!) And said a goodbye to CBC one last time. I also got some pastry from el citio and said bye to that. Then tonight….. I said goodbye to Karyn, Erich, and Laura. We went to the muse for drinks and some went to Bembos for food. Throughout my whole times here I didn’t really think about saying bye to Laura till it happened. We have SO much in common, and she has been my saving grace here sometimes when I felt like no one else was thinking like I was here. She has helped me to think and talj about what I really need to and want to, and has helped me become the person I am today, who I need to be. And now she will be spending 3ish more months here (she got a job w/ ProWorld!!!!!) and I will be in the states. And this made me think (this is where this relates to the inspirational quote.)

Why do I do this to myself? I put myself out of my comfort zone completely, learn a new culture and language, live with a family, and become a new person, if the only thing in the near future I see is hurt? I’m devastated I can’t sit in La Bondiet once a week and talk about life with Laura. I can’t believe there will never be another Proworld meeting with all of us together again. I will never go on another excursion with Laura Eliza and Lalo (OH ON I never said bye to Lalo!!) again. I have two more nights in my bed here in my mom’s house in Cusco… I’m sad. That’s all I can say. Why cant there just be a paradise where all the people I Love and need are within walking distance from me? Why do good byes have to exist?

Well, after many tears and many thoughts… If I had never come to Cusco I would never have met these people. I wouldn’t know about the greatness of proworld, I would never had made a difference in Occoruro. I would never have had these reflections and thoughts from these past 4 months. I wouldn’t be me. It is in my future to be me, and everything that happens in my life, good or bad, will allow me to be me, the person who is living this life.

Tomorrow I am off to Nazca and will be no internet for a few days. Next time I write I will be without Laura and without my mom.


  1. I love that quote. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts while you are there, and travel safely home.

  2. We have enjoyed your thoughts and insight over these past months. The blogs have been very thought provoking and interesting. How do you take all that energy and knowledge and channel it into something good that influences others to open their hearts and minds? Politics?, activism?: forget it. It's a cesspool of money and usery. Teaching: got potential, though the system discourages thinking outside the box. Maybe college. I'm voting for religion. You have a semi captive audience that already comes with an open mind and heart. The word of God can be your conduit to people's minds and help to provide vehicle to deliver the messages you have so thoughtfully provided to us. I would love to take you and Andy to a school in Center Harbor. Some of the priests there are from all over the world and have come to God later in their lives.
