Thursday, April 14, 2011

No tiempo

Hey all. So this is our last full week of classes, and I'm spending as much time not at my computer as possible. The following topics i will be writing about when i return to the US, or i find wifi in a place that i will be waiting at for a long time.

-Religion: gold, god, and glory
-nuestro medio ambiente
- The last few days here in Cusco/our going away party.

-The last weekend in occururo
-our adventurs after the smester is over

Next week we have 2 days of classes, then on wednesday andy, myself and our friends Adam, Alyssa, y Maria are going to Nazca/Paracas for 4 or days, returning to cusco so i can say good buy, cry my eyes out when i have to leave my mom, and eat our last Juanitos and Bondiet goodies for a while. Then we are off to Liam and Iqitios which is in THE AMAZON.

I do have to say though, as excited I am for the summer, I am very VERY scared to return home. My host mom here is my best friend. I don't know what I'm going to do without her, her Love, and her home cooked food. Everyday she becomes more and more distraught over her daughter and boyfriend situation, and she is thinking he is going to take the house and her daughter and she will have nothing and her daughter will ruin her life. The friends I have made here do not live close to me, and not being able to see and talk to them, when we have spent almost every day with eachother since January... its going to be miserable. ¡Y no quiero perder mi español! Es más mejor que llegara aca en Perú. Me gusta much hablar en español, oir español en los canciones y comerciales y programens y peliculas, decir con la gente en la calle y los taxis. Me gusta todo la lingua. When i came back from Nicaragua, I was miserable. I hated the world, what i was doing with my life, United Statesians, the Unites Sates.... everything. I don't want that to happen again. I want to combine the life i live here with the good things i have found in the US. I want to live the sustainable life i need and crave. I want to share my adventures and live in the way i can. Yesterday, in our last development class before the final I asked the teacher to reiderate what shw had said to us the otherday "Profi, en mondays class you said that the only thing we can do with the information we have learned is just live or lives.... is there anything else?" This has been a question i ask myself over and over and over again. I feel helpless. I have seen these things, felt these feeling, and thought these thoughts that not many people in the world will every think feel or see. What can i do? I don't want to get involved in the economy, I don't wanna be the next president... All i can do is be the best spanish speaking traveling OT and show as much Love to people as i feel for them. Is that enough?

She wrote on the board:

Libertad ser auténtico
ser humano
mirarse en el otro y lo otro: RESPETO

Direct english trasnlation:
Liberty to be authentic
to be human
look at oneself en the other and the other: RESPECT

Not direct english translation that i made in my mind after asking her to explain this:
-As people who have been here, and have the opportunity to live in the United States, our liberty allows us to be authentic, to be an individual. There are others like me, i thought as i look at the majority of the class of United States students who had come to Perú to live. Be authentic. Be yourself.
-Be human. feel laugh cry hit love hurt question search teach breath praise learn live.......
-Do not look at "Them" as "them." We are all human. We all want to be human and live. See ourself in the other humans, and in the world around us, in our environment. Respect everything. Never look at something and say "thats not worth my time, or the time of anyone else"

Live how you know the world should be, and thats enough. For now.

1 comment:

  1. Libby,
    Keep in touch when you come back :) That is the only way to live--and the only way to let others live: as an authentic human. Jon Sobrino talks of the poor of the world, particularly in Latin America, being a true mirror of the rich, one that reveals the flaws.
    In Seattle I had a wonderful conversation with a man at a busstop one night. He spoke Spanish, and I spoke English, but we could each understand each other enough to continue our conversation. It was kind of beautiful. I agree that the language is wonderful, beautiful, lyrical. I bet in Syracuse, at least, there are places you can outreach or teach ESL to keep your hand in it. I'm less sure about out where your school is. Take care as you travel :)
